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Viewing the timetable for service T3, T1, T2

St Ives to Newquay, via Carbis Bay, Camborne, Redruth and Truro
via Carbis Bay, Camborne, Redruth, Truro
  • Truro Gasworks

    3rd Feb 2025 - 3rd Mar 2025

    Services will be on diversion. Victoria cannot be served

  • Diversion on the 220, 500, 890, PR1, T1, T2, T3, U1 & U1E

    3rd Feb 2025 - 3rd Mar 2025

    Diversions are in place on the 220, 500, 890, PR1, T1, T2, T3, U1 & U1E because of a road closure due to gasworks in Truro

Route map

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Service T1Service T3Service T1Service T2Service T2Service T1Service T1Service T3Service T2Service T1Service T1Service T3Service T1Service T2Service T1Service T3Service T3Service T3Service T1Service T2Service T1Service T3Service T1Service T2Service T1Service T3Service T1Service T2Service T1Service T3Service T1Service T2Service T1Service T3Service T1Service T2Service T1Service T3Service T1Service T2Service T2Service T2Service T2Service T3Service T1Service T1Service T2Service T1Service T3Service T1Service T2Service T1Service T2Service T1Service T2Service T1Service T2Service T1Service T2Service T2Service T1Service T1
Hayle Academy 15:15 15:15
Truro College 16:25 16:27
Bus Station 06:36 07:29 08:09 08:46 09:16 09:46 10:16 10:46 11:16 11:46 12:16 12:46 13:16 13:46 14:16 14:46 15:16 15:51 16:26 17:06 17:46 18:16
The Star Inn 06:47 07:42 08:22 08:59 09:29 09:59 10:29 10:59 11:29 11:59 12:29 12:59 13:29 13:59 14:29 15:02 15:32 16:07 16:42 17:22 17:59 18:29
Interchange 06:52 07:47 08:27 09:04 09:34 10:04 10:34 11:04 11:34 12:04 12:34 13:04 13:34 14:04 14:34 15:09 15:39 16:14 16:49 17:29 18:04 18:34
Bus Station 07:02 07:42 08:28 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 14:30 15:05 15:35 16:10 16:50 17:30 18:00 18:42 19:42
Longstone Cross 07:10 07:50 08:36 09:38 10:08 10:38 11:08 11:38 12:08 12:38 13:08 13:38 14:08 14:38 14:38 15:13 15:43 16:18 16:58 17:38 18:08 18:49 19:49
Viaduct 06:59 07:21 07:54 08:01 08:34 08:47 09:11 09:19 09:41 09:49 10:11 10:19 10:41 10:49 11:11 11:19 11:41 11:49 12:11 12:19 12:41 12:49 13:11 13:19 13:41 13:49 14:11 14:19 14:41 14:49 14:49 15:17 15:24 15:47 15:54 16:22 16:29 16:57 17:09 17:37 17:49 18:11 18:19 18:41 18:58 19:58
Loggans Moor, Loggans Way 07:31 08:11 08:57 09:28 09:58 10:28 10:58 11:28 11:58 12:28 12:58 13:28 13:58 14:28 15:00 15:00 15:23 15:23 15:35 16:05 16:40 17:20 17:58 18:28 19:06 20:06
Red River Inn 07:40 09:06 10:07 11:07 12:07 13:07 14:07 15:09 15:09 15:44 16:49 17:29 18:07 18:37 19:13 20:13
Turnpike Inn 07:10 08:05 08:20 08:45 09:22 09:37 09:52 10:22 10:37 10:52 11:22 11:37 11:52 12:22 12:37 12:52 13:22 13:37 13:52 14:22 14:37 14:52 15:32 15:32 15:29 15:59 16:14 16:34 17:09 17:48 18:22 18:49
Bus Station 05:35 06:00 06:40 07:00 07:15 07:30 07:45 08:00 08:25 08:34 09:05 09:25 09:40 09:55 10:10 10:25 10:40 10:55 11:10 11:25 11:40 11:55 12:10 12:25 12:40 12:55 13:10 13:25 13:40 13:55 14:10 14:25 14:40 14:56 15:13 15:30 15:30 15:47 15:47 15:50 16:05 16:20 16:35 16:55 17:10 17:30 17:49 18:06 18:28 18:35 18:48 19:00 19:28 20:28 21:33 22:33
Cornwall College 05:48 06:13 06:53 07:13 07:30 07:45 08:00 08:15 08:40 09:00 09:20 09:38 09:53 10:08 10:23 10:38 10:53 11:08 11:23 11:38 11:53 12:08 12:23 12:38 12:53 13:08 13:23 13:38 13:53 14:08 14:23 14:38 14:53 15:11 15:28 15:45 15:45 16:05 16:20 16:35 16:50 17:10 17:25 17:45 18:02 18:19 18:41 19:41 20:41 21:46 22:46
Rounding Walls 05:52 06:17 06:57 07:18 07:35 07:50 08:05 08:20 08:26 08:45 09:05 09:25 09:43 09:58 10:13 10:28 10:43 10:58 11:13 11:28 11:43 11:58 12:13 12:28 12:43 12:58 13:13 13:28 13:43 13:58 14:13 14:28 14:43 14:58 15:16 15:33 15:50 15:50 16:10 16:25 16:40 16:55 17:15 17:30 17:50 18:07 18:24 18:45 19:45 20:45 21:50 22:50
Railway Station 06:00 06:25 07:05 07:28 07:45 08:00 08:15 08:30 08:36 08:55 09:15 09:34 09:52 10:07 10:22 10:37 10:52 11:07 11:22 11:37 11:52 12:07 12:22 12:37 12:52 13:07 13:22 13:37 13:52 14:07 14:22 14:37 14:53 15:08 15:26 15:43 16:00 16:00 16:20 16:35 16:50 17:05 17:25 17:39 17:59 18:16 18:33 18:53 19:53 20:53 21:58 22:58
Church 06:03 06:28 07:08 07:32 07:49 08:04 08:19 08:34 08:40 08:59 09:19 09:38 09:56 10:11 10:26 10:41 10:56 11:11 11:26 11:41 11:56 12:11 12:26 12:41 12:56 13:11 13:26 13:41 13:56 14:11 14:26 14:41 14:57 15:12 15:30 15:47 16:04 16:04 16:24 16:39 16:54 17:09 17:29 17:43 18:03 18:20 18:36 18:56 19:56 20:56 22:01 23:01
Kings Head 06:11 06:36 07:16 07:40 07:57 08:12 08:27 08:42 08:48 09:07 09:27 09:46 10:04 10:19 10:34 10:49 11:04 11:19 11:34 11:49 12:04 12:19 12:34 12:49 13:04 13:19 13:34 13:49 14:04 14:19 14:34 14:49 15:05 15:20 15:38 15:55 16:12 16:12 16:32 16:47 17:02 17:17 17:37 17:51 18:11 18:28 18:44 19:04 20:04 21:04 22:09 23:09
Victoria Inn 06:18 06:43 07:25 07:49 08:06 08:21 08:36 08:51 08:57 09:16 09:34 09:53 10:11 10:26 10:41 10:56 11:11 11:26 11:41 11:56 12:11 12:26 12:41 12:56 13:11 13:26 13:41 13:56 14:11 14:26 14:41 14:58 15:14 15:29 15:47 16:04 16:21 16:21 16:41 16:56 17:11 17:26 17:44 17:58 18:18 18:35 18:51 19:11 20:11 21:11 22:16 23:16
Lay By 06:23 06:48 07:34 07:58 08:15 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:06 09:25 09:43 10:02 10:20 10:35 10:50 11:05 11:20 11:35 11:50 12:05 12:20 12:35 12:50 13:05 13:20 13:35 13:50 14:05 14:20 14:35 14:50 15:07 15:23 15:38 15:56 16:13 16:30 16:30 16:31 16:33 16:50 17:05 17:20 17:35 17:53 18:07 18:27 18:40 18:56 19:16 20:16 21:16 22:21 23:21
Bus Station 06:34 07:53 08:34 09:25 09:40 10:17 10:50 11:20 11:50 12:20 12:50 13:20 13:50 14:20 14:50 15:26 15:57 16:32 17:39 18:08 18:42 19:07 22:32 23:32
Haven House 08:49
St Clements Parc 08:54
Bus Station 07:10 08:30 09:25 10:40 11:40 12:40 13:40 14:40 15:49 16:49 16:49 16:58 17:15 17:24 18:22 18:51 19:27 20:27 21:27
Truro Bus Station 07:05 09:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 13:10 14:10 15:16 16:22 16:56 17:55
The Square 07:25 08:45 09:40 10:55 11:55 12:55 13:55 14:55 16:06 17:15 17:32
Sticker, Post Office 07:38 08:58 09:52 11:07 12:07 13:07 14:07 15:08 16:19 17:28 17:44
White River Cinema 07:48 09:08 10:02 11:17 12:17 13:17 14:17 15:19 16:30 17:39 17:54
Bus Station 10:09 11:24 12:24 13:24 14:24 15:31 16:42
Bus Station 07:59 09:19
Bus Station 17:46 18:01
Slade Road, opp Aldi 08:05 17:50 18:05
Truro, Tregurra Lane 07:09 09:14 10:14 11:14 12:14 13:14 14:14 15:20 16:26 17:00 17:59
Killigrew Gardens 07:20 09:25 10:25 11:25 12:25 13:25 14:25 15:33 16:39 17:13 18:10
Mitchell, Pillars Close 07:28 09:33 10:33 11:33 12:33 13:33 14:33 15:42 16:48 17:22 18:18
Kingsley Village 07:36 09:41 10:41 09:01 09:01 11:41 12:41 13:41 14:41 15:52 16:58 17:32 18:26
Seaview 07:39 09:44 10:44 09:04 09:04 11:44 12:44 13:44 14:44 15:55 17:01 17:34 18:29
White Cross Cottage 07:46 09:51 10:51 09:11 09:11 11:51 12:51 13:51 14:51 16:03 17:09 17:42 18:36
Porth Four Turns 08:00 10:05 11:05 09:25 09:25 12:05 13:05 14:05 15:05 16:18 17:24 17:56 18:49
Bus Station 08:15 10:20 11:20 09:40 09:40 12:20 13:20 14:20 15:23 16:36 17:42 18:11 19:04